So, I chose the Morib beach as it is the
popular tourist destination in that area. At the same time, it was school
holiday break so, it is an opportunity for me to discover whether it could
affect the population of people of the area from coming to the beach. Besides
that, my sister Kirtikanair also joined to give a hand for my project. I had
gone there for three times to observe,
interview, and also record the findings. I interviewed 3 local tourists that
visited that beach. They are Mr.Balasubramaniam Muniandy, 19 who is my friend,
Mr. Yap Goh Seng,42 and Mr. Muniandy Govindasamy,46. From the interviews, I
knew that they came with their family and friends to have a great time at the
beach. The hot weather doesn't stops them from visiting the beach.
Photos: Environment at the Morib beach
“ The weather is quite hot here but I
came here with my friends to have a great time with them in this holiday”, said
my dearest friend, Bala. He came there with my other friends too and the weather
doesn’t stops them from visiting the Morib beach.
Photo : My friend, Bala came to the Morib beach with his friends sharing about the weather and his time there.
In that three days, I got to know that the
population that visit the beach increasing day by day during school holidays.
Therefore, I found out the answer and made my conclusion from my findings which
was tourism in Banting especially in Morib beach didn’t affect by prolonged hot
weather that occurs now days.
was the result for my research but, how
about the overall tourism in Malaysia?. Surprisingly, it was the same
situation as my conclusion. Tourism in Malaysia is one of the major sector that
helps to rise up the Malaysian economy. As always, it doesn’t affect the
economy of Malaysia because of El Nino by freeMalaysiatoday website that was
published on 5th April 2016. It stated there that the current hot weather has not deterred
foreign tourists from visiting the country in droves.You can read further news details in this
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