Tuesday 12 July 2016


Hey Guys! It seems that the El Nino phase is decreasing now days and we can start to do our activities as normal but at the same time, we have to be careful on taking care of our health. So, let’s get back to our business. During my research on this issue, I got to know many effects and consequences that we faced on this prolonged heat wave issue. I read several articles online and also print materials. Our country faced many problems during that environmental issue in few aspects. From my findings, I like to share the effects on this phenomenon with the stories that I read and listen. The possible problems are:

(a) Human Health

       Formerly, the effects of prolonged hot weather can be mentioned in terms of the health of a human being. As a result of the El Nino weather can affect the health of a human being that is heat stroke. According to eDictionary, Heat stroke is a form of hyperthermia (abnormally elevated body temperature) with accompanying physical and neurological symptoms. Unlike heat cramps and heat exhaustion, two less-severe forms of hyperthermia, heat stroke is a true medical emergency that can be fatal if not properly and promptly treated. Through my research, I had collected several cases in Malaysia that was related to the heatstroke. One of the most shocking case that happened in Kuala Lumpur on March 19, 2016 which was during the phase of El Nino. The news article published on www.straitstimes.com about a 23 year old trainee policeman died of heat stroke and it is the first case of heatstroke that ever happened in Malaysia. More details in the link below:

                                              Diagram 1.1 Symptoms of Heatstroke

From my understandings and opinion, anyone can suffer from heat stroke, but those most at risk are old folks which are mostly above 65 years old, young children, pregnant and nursing mothers, people who are physically unwell, especially with heart disease or high blood pressure

(b) Agricultural Sector

Malaysia also experienced problems in the agricultural sector such as Kedah and Perlis state. This is due to the prolonged hot weather has affected soil fertility. So, growth is also less rice. This situation has reduced production of rice in northern Malaysia. The lack of rain is also a factor that inhibits the production of rice. According to the website, www.malaysiakini.com which was published on 10 January 2016, the intensity of rainfall is expected to decrease by 20 to 60 per cent from January, due to the El Nino phenomenon is sweeping the country.  (https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/326165)

(c) Water Shortage

The drought will cause a decline in watersheds such as dams, lakes and ponds due to high evaporation rates and no rain. With it, people had to deal with rationing water for several days. In addition, this year, the residents had to face water rationing schedule in stages due to the slump in the water level of the dam. Following the hot weather being experienced, demand for water will increase, causing some pool water level has decreased significantly. Dear readers! Imagine if a strong El Nino hit now with the water level in dams and treatment plants are low, the country is likely to experience a water crisis more severe than the crisis experienced El Nino in 1997-1998.

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