Wednesday 13 July 2016


Now, I wanted to share about precautions for those who suffers heat weather in their areas. The precautions are as followed:

 1. Drinking enough water and drinking water that has been cooked.

2. Limit outdoor activities and if unavoidable, wear a hat or an umbrella that can protect yourself from being too exposed to the hot weather.

3.  Those who suffer from illnesses such as coughs, colds, asthma, eye pain, infection, chronic lung should come to the clinic as soon as possible if the disease gets worse.

4.Smokers, users of electronic cigarettes which is the Vapers also advised to stop smoking.

5. Preferably inside the house or building. Remain in the home has adequate ventilation or air conditioning equipment if possible.

Encloses a courtyard around the house to prevent the dangerous animals that will enter the house to take shelter

7. People who store water in containers is advisable to ensure that the storage container is clean and safe water that is never used to store chemicals or toxins.

8. Wear light clothing and avoid tight clothes and thick. Wear bright colour clothes to reflect sunlight.

                                                          source: Google image

Tuesday 12 July 2016


Hey Guys! It seems that the El Nino phase is decreasing now days and we can start to do our activities as normal but at the same time, we have to be careful on taking care of our health. So, let’s get back to our business. During my research on this issue, I got to know many effects and consequences that we faced on this prolonged heat wave issue. I read several articles online and also print materials. Our country faced many problems during that environmental issue in few aspects. From my findings, I like to share the effects on this phenomenon with the stories that I read and listen. The possible problems are:

(a) Human Health

       Formerly, the effects of prolonged hot weather can be mentioned in terms of the health of a human being. As a result of the El Nino weather can affect the health of a human being that is heat stroke. According to eDictionary, Heat stroke is a form of hyperthermia (abnormally elevated body temperature) with accompanying physical and neurological symptoms. Unlike heat cramps and heat exhaustion, two less-severe forms of hyperthermia, heat stroke is a true medical emergency that can be fatal if not properly and promptly treated. Through my research, I had collected several cases in Malaysia that was related to the heatstroke. One of the most shocking case that happened in Kuala Lumpur on March 19, 2016 which was during the phase of El Nino. The news article published on about a 23 year old trainee policeman died of heat stroke and it is the first case of heatstroke that ever happened in Malaysia. More details in the link below:

                                              Diagram 1.1 Symptoms of Heatstroke

From my understandings and opinion, anyone can suffer from heat stroke, but those most at risk are old folks which are mostly above 65 years old, young children, pregnant and nursing mothers, people who are physically unwell, especially with heart disease or high blood pressure

(b) Agricultural Sector

Malaysia also experienced problems in the agricultural sector such as Kedah and Perlis state. This is due to the prolonged hot weather has affected soil fertility. So, growth is also less rice. This situation has reduced production of rice in northern Malaysia. The lack of rain is also a factor that inhibits the production of rice. According to the website, which was published on 10 January 2016, the intensity of rainfall is expected to decrease by 20 to 60 per cent from January, due to the El Nino phenomenon is sweeping the country.  (

(c) Water Shortage

The drought will cause a decline in watersheds such as dams, lakes and ponds due to high evaporation rates and no rain. With it, people had to deal with rationing water for several days. In addition, this year, the residents had to face water rationing schedule in stages due to the slump in the water level of the dam. Following the hot weather being experienced, demand for water will increase, causing some pool water level has decreased significantly. Dear readers! Imagine if a strong El Nino hit now with the water level in dams and treatment plants are low, the country is likely to experience a water crisis more severe than the crisis experienced El Nino in 1997-1998.

Monday 11 July 2016


Hi guys! Today I’m going to discuss about the causes of El Nino occurs in our country and also in other countries. If an unusual event occurs in our place so, there will be several aspects will be influencing that particular occurrence. The same method I will be discussing. It is like doing research when we conduct an experiment. Firstly, we have to find the root as the first step to solve a problem.  In this case, we have to find what are causes that rise up the El Nino issue that makes hard to the people.

      Ok! Let me start with the first fact that causes El Nino in a country. Firstly, open burning. To be honest, we are the one who started this phenomenon by our irresponsible attitudes. Recently, government had announced that every resident in households should divide their garbage things that can be recycle. It is the easier for the garbage collectors to just take the recycle things as they don’t have to collect one by one of the recycle things and divide them. Moreover, for the individuals that do not follow, they will be fine RM100 at first. If the individual fail to settle the fine he or she will be fined another RM500. For the residents in apartments or condominiums will be fined RM1000. Although, the government had made this law but people don’t even wanted to follow that. They still burning their things. This is because they have the mindset that no one will be noticing what they are doing and they will thinking that it’s just a bunch of garbage and nothing will happen on burning the things. Actually, that is the biggest mistake we made. We cannot change this situation because not only an individual have the mindset but many in the country. This kind of activity just rising up the temperature of a place and it also cause air pollution such as Haze. Every one of us have to be responsible on this. We should be brave to make complains about people who are burning their things at residential areas to higher authorities.

          (Source :Google Image)

       Secondly, forest burning. Forest burning is the worst activity that can lead to El Nino. Developers may think that burning forest is an easier way to empty the ground and it saves more time rather than logging the trees. But, the judgement is wrong. Scientifically, a leave will be absorbing water, sunlight and carbon dioxide to go through process of photosynthesis to make its own food and release oxygen to the surrounding. It is also helpful on absorbing biggest amount of heat from sunlight in order to make its own food. The major role of photosynthesis is to absorb carbon dioxide and change it as oxygen and release it to the surrounding. So, that’s a big process in just a small leaf and what about a tree ?  Biggest amount of oxygen can be release from a tree to the surrounding for people to breathe. But now days, more trees are destroying and it also decreasing the amount of oxygen and increase of carbon dioxide which is more dangerous. Yes! It is also has increased the temperature of the surroundings.

         ( Soure : Google Image)

      Next,the construction of skyscrapers, now every country in the world are racing to build the highest skyscraper in the world. Construction of buildings can cause global temperature increases due to the heat island occurrence. Heat island is one of the factors leading to rising temperatures. When the temperature rises the earth will be warmer. Feel the heat when it will encourage someone to use air conditioning. The causes that led to the phenomenon of global warming are interconnected with each other. For example, cities such as Kuala Lumpur will be most affected by the over heat and it is the city that consist of high populations. 

         ( Source : Google image)
        From all of this, we know that we are the one who causing problems on the environment and also these are the factors that causing global warming as well. So, as a citizen of our country we have to play an important role on taking care of our environment and prevent from any environmental issues.

Stay tuned for my next post which is the effects of El Nino! Bye! Bye!

Sunday 10 July 2016


Hi guys! On my previous post I had came up with a question which was “Does tourism in Malaysia affected  by current weather called El Nino?. At first, when I asked this question to me, I thought why I can’t do my own observation and came out with the result. So, I chose Banting as it is a growing up town and also my place. Moreover,  Banting also one of the place that rarely experienced rain for more than two months.Therefore, it is easier to me to investigate and get updated on my topic. Finally, I have the aim to find the relationship between the current hot weather and tourism in Banting.

(source: google image)

      So, I chose the Morib beach as it is the popular tourist destination in that area. At the same time, it was school holiday break so, it is an opportunity for me to discover whether it could affect the population of people of the area from coming to the beach. Besides that, my sister Kirtikanair also joined to give a hand for my project. I had gone there for  three times to observe, interview, and also record the findings. I interviewed 3 local tourists that visited that beach. They are Mr.Balasubramaniam Muniandy, 19 who is my friend, Mr. Yap Goh Seng,42 and Mr. Muniandy Govindasamy,46. From the interviews, I knew that they came with their family and friends to have a great time at the beach.   The hot weather doesn't stops them from visiting the beach.

Photos: Environment at the Morib beach

       “ The weather is quite hot here but I came here with my friends to have a great time with them in this holiday”, said my dearest friend, Bala. He came there with my other friends too and the weather doesn’t stops them from visiting the Morib beach.

Photo : My friend, Bala came to the Morib beach with his friends sharing about the weather and his time there.

    In that three days, I got to know that the population that visit the beach increasing day by day during school holidays. Therefore, I found out the answer and made my conclusion from my findings which was tourism in Banting especially in Morib beach didn’t affect by prolonged hot weather that occurs now days.

     That was the result for my research but, how about the overall tourism in Malaysia?. Surprisingly, it was the same situation as my conclusion. Tourism in Malaysia is one of the major sector that helps to rise up the Malaysian economy. As always, it doesn’t affect the economy of Malaysia because of El Nino by freeMalaysiatoday website that was published on 5th April 2016.  It stated there that  the current hot weather has not deterred foreign tourists from visiting the country in droves.You can read further news details in this link, 

Saturday 9 July 2016


Hi Readers! I am Tineshnair Mogan and this is my blog called the N.A.T.U.R.E. Nature described from several aspects such as giving News updates to build Awareness among people which are True facts, Universal, Reachable or Real and readers Easy to understand. So, I hope you guys read my stories, get to know latest updates and be aware.

       So, let me start with the current environmental issue. The issue that make us our body sweats and we will be finding drinks or shades to keep us cold and obviously more demands on air conditioners now days. Yes! It is none other than the prolonged heat weather called El Nino.

       According to my search on Google, I found that El Nino known as an irregular occurrence and complex series of climatic changes affecting the equatorial Pacific region and beyond every few years, characterized by the appearance of unusually warm, nutrient poor water off. Many countries such as Serbia, Malaysia, Philippines, Bangladesh and many other countries affected by El Nino. Specifically, Malaysia has experiencing this hot weather that started at the early March 2016.

      There have several consequences from this phenomenon in several aspects such education, agricultures, working periods and so on. But, the question is "Does El Nino affect tourism in Malaysia or some specific places in the states?...Stay tuned for the answer on my next post. Bye! Bye!