Friday, 26 August 2016

Dancing the Life's Rhythm

Hi readers! I am back again with my new post to share to you. Now, the phrase that I would like to share this time is “Dancing the Life’s Rhythm”. In my opinion, this phrase gives me a meaning that we all are the puppets that dancing according to God’s rhythm. As we all know, God gave us this life and we are just travelling to a point and living it. A human’s life starting by his or her birth and ending by death. For me, if we related to the phrase the meaning of life is on how we are living the life. The rhythm I can say that the level of life which means we will going through different stages of our lives. These stages will give us different kinds of experience and memorable moments which we will won’t forget throughout our lives. Let me share you about the stages and how our lives will be at that stages.

         Firstly, the baby stage. This is where our lives starts with a loud crying sound. This stage we will be starting to crawl, cry, smile, laugh sometimes and obviously we will be taking good care by the parents. We will gain more love from them by playing with us especially doing funny faces or singing songs for us to laugh.

       The second stage of life starts, when a child enters kindergarten school. Maybe they join the school when they around 4 to 5 years old. We cannot forget our childhood memories whether we were crying or waving our hands to our parents without any fear in our first day of school. For me, it will sound hilarious when we crying loud with pulling our parents’ hands and don’t want to go to school but it is a memory to us which will make us laugh although we get older.  Moreover, at this stage children will meet more and new friends for them to have fun. Other than that, they could be very active where they learn more new things quickly.

       The next stage is where a child enters primary school. His or her friends might join them or unfortunately not. However, it will be not stopping them by making more friends. Basically, a child will join this school at the age of 7. The school will be very formal type such as they will be having exams, home works, lessons and exercises. We will be going a little busy on our works that teachers will give us plus tuition classes. In my opinion, a major aspect that make a child stays at school is their friends. This could lead them to get a best friend on their life. Now, apart from their parents we can share our secrets or ups and downs in our lives to a person we trust and rely on.

       After that, we will be going through a stage where we enter secondary school in the age of 13 where we meet many more friends that joins a school that came from different primary schools. We will spend around seven years on that school while our bond with our friends will be very close. We have many kinds of memories in schools too. For example, getting caned by teachers with a group of friends, teasing friends, helping friends when they are problems and many more. At the same time, we should be very careful in this stage where teenagers have to be focus on their goals rather than doing bad things. This is an important stage of our lives. If we take a wrong way it will be spoiling our lives in the future. Drugs, smoking habit or gangsterism are the main problems are facing by the country nowadays. School students are the main targets. If we keep focus and move towards our objectives then surely we can achieve what we are aiming without any obstacles that turn us to the wrong way and pass with flying colors.

        Besides that, there also has a stage that we have to decide what field we wanted to study about by joining universities. Yes! University is a different type of experience. New teachers, new friends and new environment for us to study. Obviously, we have to leave our school friends in order to join different studies. We have to spend three or four years of studying in university before we move to our career stage.

       Next, our career. We will be joining work or the field we were interested on. Now, we have to leave our university friends. It is based on our relationship with other co-workers, employer or managers. After we have a job, we develop ourselves to have a house or a car and then marriage. After marriage, wife as another parent that takes good care of a husband and his family members. In this stage, our responsibility will be higher a bit as a new member joining to our family whether the individual is a husband or wife. After a year or two, we will be having a child. Now, we are already be a parents. Now, it’s our job to be good guidance to our child for he or her to go through the stages that we went in our past. This life will be going generations by generations until we get old and we will be having a lot of grandchildren around on 60 or 70 years old. Maybe, we will be telling our life stories to them to make them aware that life is beautiful. After all that satisfactions we had, finally our soul ready to take off from our body.

        The stages that I told is the life’s rhythms. From the rhythms, we just “dancing” according to the rhythms. Moreover, every stages we have to do a little sacrifice to go to the next level of our lives. For example, our friends. We have to leave our kindergarten friends, school friends, and also university friends in order to move on but we will be taking some memorable events that we did in every stages of our lives. We will not forgetting that memories. If we see our friends again in our future when we get old, we will be telling about many events or incidents that occurred in the past to recall. That is the life.

     As the conclusion, the phrase “Dancing the Life’s Rhythm” has the meaning which is we are playing in the game of life.  Our lives are short as the hours and days are moving fast nowadays. Therefore, we have to appreciate every moment we are living with and we have enjoy it. In addition, we cannot just live and die but we have to achieve something in our lives so when we die people have to feel that they lost a valuable person in their lives. Other than that, many different parts of life will give us many benefits and lessons to us.

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Diagram 1.2 The cycle of life of a man
(source: google image)


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